
twigs, tree branch slice

4″ w x 2″ d x 3″ h

“When the hummingbird / sinks its face / into the trumpet vine / and the funnels // of the blossoms, / and the tongue leaps out / and throbs, // I am scorched / to realize once again / how many small, available things / are in the world // that aren’t / pieces of gold / or power– / that nobody owns // or could buy even / for a hillside of money– / that just / float about in the world” -Mary Oliver, Summer Story

Summers in the Northwoods of Minnesota are full of life and would not be complete without the hummingbirds happily dancing through the air. Using twigs collected around our cabin, I created this piece in homage to these delightfully small creatures that bring so much energy to the forest around them.